10 Cures for Winter Blues

The last stretch of winter seems to drag on… and on… and on. My skin gets paler and paler, I find myself only wearing dumpy, stretchy clothing, and munching on snacks even when I’m not hungry. I know I’m not alone…

So what do we do about it?

1. Rearrange your space

Brighten Up Your Space

I feel like I have been “nesting” all winter! You are practically pulled to a perfectly nestled spot on the couch to be snuggled by the cozy blanket and pillows. Once I’m there, I lose all motivation to do anything productive. Rearranging furniture, (even just changing out throws to bright colors) diverts your brain from autopilot, and starts waking you up for spring! You’ll instantly start feeling more energized and your space will feel more refreshing. I literally just switched out my pillows for a lively spring yellow!

2. Schedule coffee with an old friend

Nothing breaks you out of your Winter comfort zone like meeting back up with an old friend. It will give you a reason to be forced off of the couch and out of the sweatpants and messy bun! Plus, reconnecting will boost your mood (and theirs!)

3. Date night (Or girls night out!)

We are social creatures- and coming from an introvert, even I start to feel it when I’ve had too much alone time. Set rules for your night out:

  • Dress up You look amazing, no matter how “winterized” you feel! Just be yourself, and remember that everyone else has been dealing with the same “winter symptoms” too.
  • Phones Away (This means OFF THE TABLE!) Having pure conversation without the distraction allows for undivided attention, and reminds us how important we are to each other.

4. Freshen up the air

Need an instant Winter mood boost? Get fresh flowers! You can find them relatively cheap if you look. My favorite place is Trader Joe’s- you can find fresh flowers and greenery for under $10! Use your own vase, or grab one at a dollar store.

5. Drink extra water

For me, even though I usually love water, there’s something about Winter that makes me want anything BUT water. I find myself drinking coffee, tea, juice, vitamin energy drinks… but hardly the amount of water I need. Drinking water is healing to the body, and actually energizes you, while caffeine doesn’t do anything to help with the “Winter blues”. Water will also help curb the desire for mindless snacking, plus, your skin will look great too! (Go drink a whole glass of water right now!)

… See? Don’t you already feel better?

6. Stretch

This one is easy! Even if you “don’t feel like it”. Stretching helps combat the effects of being sedentary (i.e. my couch lounging!) by getting the blood flowing. Stay tuned for some easy stretches for an instant mood boost!

7. Schedule intentional “me time”

Put on comfy clothes (don’t forget fresh socks!- the cozier the better), and block off your schedule. No interruptions allowed! Choose how you want to spend your intentional, scheduled time on an activity you love.

  • Grab a book, and don’t forget your favorite hot beverage to sip while reading!
  • Paint, draw, or just doodle for fun. It doesn’t matter if you think you’re any good or not!
  • If you love to write, use this time to free write. Even if you’re not a writer, journaling is therapeutic!
  • Play music! Making music is a great outlet- even if you don’t play an instrument, singing (no matter how off key!) is also theraputic
  • Not sure what to do? Pick a playlist of relaxing spa sounds on Spotify or Pandora, and relax with a hot tea or your favorite beverage.

TIP: Do NOT turn on the TV!

(As tempting as it may be to catch up on your show, do yourself a favor and give your brain a rest from ALL screens! You will thank yourself when your scheduled “me time” is over and you feel more energized and positive!)

8. Affirmations

You hear this all of the time for self help, but it actually WORKS! Just trust me. Go grab a pen and paper really quick (don’t worry, I’ll wait…)

Okay ready?

Now write down what you WANT to feel (as if you already feel that way). EXAMPLE: “I feel refreshed and full of energy!”

Write as many as you can. Now read them! Our brains are actually programmable, and if you TELL yourself how you feel, your brain will actually begin to believe it and act that way! Once you start doing it every day, you will really notice on days you don’t!

9. Gratitude

You might as well do this at the same time as your affirmations, since you still have your pen and paper out! I cannot express enough how crucial this is. It sounds so small, but WILL begin to shift how you think (and feel!)

Force yourself to write down (or text yourself) 5 things you are grateful for every single day (No repeats!). You’ll be SHOCKED by how much easier they become to think of, and how much your perspective and mood have changed!

10. Spa Day

You don’t have to go to a spa or spend hundreds of dollars to have a healing spa day! Here are some easy, budget friendly ways to have a spa day at home:

  • Start with a long, hot bubble bath or shower! (Use aromatherapy body wash or essential oils- my favorite go-to is eucalyptus)
  • Blow dry your hair (or at least put it up in a wrap). We’re trying to get warm and relaxed here, not have cold wet hair stick to us!
  • Use aromatherapy body lotion or oil Pick something that feels luxurious, and make sure it’s different than your everyday lotion!
  • Put on a soft, fluffy robe (don’t forget cozy slippers!)
  • Do a mask! Then sit and relax while it soaks in.
  • Cucumbers! Putting cucumber slices over your eyes actually DOES do something! The coolness calms any redness and puffiness while hydrating the places around your eyes that your moisturizer can’t reach! (Bonus: slice up the rest of the cucumber and add to a pitcher of water for the perfect spa day refreshing beverage. Do this ahead of time, so the cucumber will have diffused by the time you’re ready to relax!)

I’d love to hear your ideas! What do you do to cure the Winter blues? Comment to let me know!

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