Everyone’s Creative: Including You!

Even if you think you’re not creative, I promise you are! You may not draw or paint, but you were created to create!

You might create amazing conversations, unique recipes, or an interesting library of books. We are created in God’s image, (who is the ultimate Creator) and therefore, we too are made to create.

It’s so easy to get bogged down in the day to day, and forget that we have a purpose beyond paying bills. 

Stop today and take the time to go back to who you were created to be:
  • Write a letter to yourself as a child and tell him/her who you want them to be as they grow up.
  • Paint or draw something. Even if you think it’s silly or you will never show anyone.
  • Put on music and dance (even if you think it’s awful) how it makes you feel.
  • Cook something new! Look up a recipe you wouldn’t normally make, and maybe try branching out how you cook it. If you normally bake, try grilling, etc.

… or create a new recipe!

  • Sing or play music! I am a singer/songwriter, but often I find that I’ve gone way too long with out making music because I got “too busy”. It’s important to make time for the things we love.
  • Write a little thank you note to someone to let them know how much you appreciate them, even for something small.
  • Build something. It can even be with Legos, kinetic sand or modeling clay. There is something therapeutic about completing a project, no matter how trivial.
  • Find a plant to take care of. Vince loves cacti and is creating quite the collection. He’s finding new things about them all the time and is an amazing stress outlet for him. 

Even if you don’t think you are creative, I promise you are. 

My mom thinks she is not creative or artistic, and after she forced herself out of her comfort zone, she has proven to be a brilliant writer AND painter. She always said that she “couldn’t even draw a straight line with a ruler,” but we did a painting together, and hers turned out better than mine, (the family proclaimed “artist”)!  

Creating brings joy, weather you want to share it with the world or not. And remember: it doesn’t have to be perfect! It just has to be your own. Try creating and see how you feel. 

There are so many ways to create, and we are all so unique. We’d love to hear how you love to express your creativity in the comments below!

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